
I didn't know that there were so many different forms of reality. The one that stuck out to me was immersive reality. Immersive reality is a computer generated world that allow users to become immersed in a simulated version of reality, fantasy, or abstraction. I have never personally taken part of this form of reality. To be honest I'm not really sure that I want to. I saw an episode of Lois and Clark that dealt with immersive technology ( www.kryptonsite.com season 3 number 10). In this episode there was a crazy guy that tried to trap Lois in his fantasy world. It was so real that it took her a long time to figure out she was trapped. I would not want something like that to happen to me.


In the past people have been uneasy about the evolution of technology. when the Internet was invented people were scared because they thought it would be the demise of the world. Obviously that did not happen. I think the world must surely be a better place with the internet in it. There is so much information that people can access due to it. Now people are scared about technology being mixed with the human race. For example, bionic arms, hands, legs, etc. People think that we will become more robotic than human in the future. I do not think that we will ever truly become robots. Change is good. Hopefully more people will start to agree with me.
*Beyonce's music video SINGLE LADIES
---she wears a robotic hand


The Digital Divide
I never really thought about a thing such as a digital divide. According to lecture the digital divide is "a gap between the haves and have nots in terms of access to and use of computers and information resources." So basically there are some people that are more likely to use and have access to computers and other resources. It makes sense that college students are the ones that have the most access to computers. Everything that we do revolves around the use of computers in information. We even have classes that are completely online. I also found it interesting that as the cost of computers decrease that African Amercians are buying them faster than White Americans. Not surprising to me is that older people are less likely to use these resources than younger people. Also not surprising is that more educated people have more access and use these resources more than less educated people.


Is it morally and ethically right to technologically alter people's minds? I have not yet decided if I think this is okay. I guess that I do agree with it in some circumstances. For instance, the paraplegic people who needed the brain technology to communicate (www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/10/31/60minutes/main4560940.shtml). We learned about people who are literally able to be telepathically linked to a computer. One man is able to think of a letter and it appears on the computer screen. People have also been able to move objects on the screen by thinking about it.



I'm sitting here watching Dancing with the Stars and I'm realizing that the television takes up a lot of my time. Depending on what day it is I probably watch about five to six hours of TV a night. That is absolutely insane! I noticed today that I also tend to watch TV when I am bored. I didn't have any homework that had to be done so I've been free all day. And the only thing I have done is watch TV.
I think I learn a lot from watching TV. I don't usually watch the news because I think it is boring. My idea of learning what's going on is watching the thrity second commecial that shows you what they will be talking about on the news. Commercials are also influence me quite a bit. I find out what the new products are, the weather, and new shows that are starting. Basically, I'm a TV junkie and the TV communicates everything to me.